It’s been a terrible morning in your Hudson, WI, home. Your alarm didn’t go off and you woke up an hour late. Now you’re your rushing to finish your hair and make-up, and to find something to eat on your way to the office. You stand impatiently in the kitchen staring at the toaster, willing it to go faster. Suddenly, the smell of smoke and melting plastic assaults your nose. You glance at the clock as you feel panic flood your body. You follow the smell and end up back in your bathroom, where you see the basket that holds all your hair tools smoldering. While the fire was small, your bathroom is now filled with smoke and a terrible odor, not to mention the damage to the counter and wall. What can you do and where in Hudson, WI, do you turn now for fire damage restoration?
· Pay attention to your surroundings and make sure you know how to use fire extinguishing devices. Most house fires can be prevented with simple observation. When using your hair accessories, such as flat irons and curling irons, make sure they are shut off, unplugged, and have completely cooled before putting them away. These appliances can get very hot, and when placed on flammable objects, such as towels or baskets, they can start a fire and cause fire damage to your Hudson, WI, home. Every home should have fire extinguishing devices such as a fire extinguisher or fire blanket. Make sure that everyone in you Hudson, WI, home knows are to use these devices to prevent fire damage by extinguishing the fire quickly.
· Check that all your appliances are in good working order. As you use your appliances, electricity is flowing through the wires. This movement of the electricity through the metal conduit in the wires produces heat. So, if any of the wiring for your appliances is frayed, it gives the electricity a way out of the wiring and increases the potential for a fire to start, causing fire damage to your Hudson, WI, home.
· ServiceMaster Restoration & Cleaning can help with all your fire damage restoration needs. ServiceMaster Restoration and Cleaning can help with fire damage restoration. Once the fire has been extinguished, we can help get the fire damage restoration started quickly. After a fire, it is important to start the fire damage cleanup fast to ensure that the damage incurred is limited. The combination of water and soot causes a sludge to form and results in secondary damage. Let ServiceMaster Restoration & Cleaning do the hard work, so you don’t have to worry.
ServiceMaster Restoration & Cleaning is here to help those in the Hudson, WI, with fire damage restoration and smoke damage cleanup. So, for your fire damage restoration needs, give us a call at (800) 920-4642.