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Hoarding Calls for Biohazard Cleanup!


Your Great Aunt in Hudson, WI has passed away, and as her only surviving relative, you have to clean out her home. You haven’t seen her house for many years, and you’re surprised to learn she had become a hoarder. Every room in the house is filled, from bottom to top, and there are so many aromas filling the air it makes it tough to breathe. How are you going to clean this Hudson, WI, home by yourself? And based on the smells, you likely need biohazard cleanup as well. Where can you turn for help?

What is hoarding and how does it affect your home? An individual that becomes a hoarder is often a person that can’t part with anything because they believe they need to save everything. This can range from a mild condition such as saving papers and magazines to an extreme case where they save absolutely everything regardless of the actual value of the item. This is how things such as garbage and empty containers get saved and add to the resulting mess. Depending on the level of the hoarding behavior, the home can go from just being overcrowded to being a danger to those living in the home or visiting. Once the hoarding behavior has reached a point where you can no longer see the floors or things such as garbage are being kept, you run the risk of rodents and insects infesting the house. Once the house becomes infested you need biohazard cleanup to ensure the home is cleaned correctly and thoroughly.

How can you clean up a hoarding situation? The best thing you can do for the person, the home, and yourself is to call a professional. For a hoarder to be involved with the cleaning of their own home, a mental health professional will be needed to talk them through the process. Without professional help a hoarder will revert back to their old ways, resulting in another hoarding situation. Once you’re ready to start the cleaning process, give ServiceMaster Restoration and Cleaning a call. The technicians at ServiceMaster Restoration and Cleaning are trained in biohazard cleanup to ensure the biohazards are removed safely. ServiceMaster Restoration and Cleaning is here for all those in the Hudson, WI area that find themselves in need of biohazard cleanup services.

If you’re faced with a hoarding or biohazard cleanup situation in Hudson, WI, give ServiceMaster Restoration and Cleaning a call at (715) 386-3711.

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